Table of contents
- brush
- chatMessage
- currentPageId
- cursor
- devicePixelRatio
- duplicateProps
- exportBackground
- followingUserId
- highlightedUserIds
- id
- insets
- isChangingStyle
- isChatting
- isCoarsePointer
- isDebugMode
- isFocused
- isFocusMode
- isGridMode
- isHoveringCanvas
- isPenMode
- isReadonly
- isToolLocked
- meta
- opacityForNextShape
- openMenus
- screenBounds
- scribbles
- stylesForNextShape
- typeName
- zoomBrush
- Properties
Extends BaseRecord<'instance', TLInstanceId>
State that is particular to a single browser tab
interface TLInstance extends BaseRecord<'instance', TLInstanceId> {}
brush: BoxModel | null
chatMessage: string
currentPageId: TLPageId
cursor: TLCursor
devicePixelRatio: number
duplicateProps: {
offset: {
x: number
y: number
shapeIds: TLShapeId[]
} | null
exportBackground: boolean
followingUserId: null | string
highlightedUserIds: string[]
readonly id: Id
insets: boolean[]
isChangingStyle: boolean
isChatting: boolean
This is whether the primary input mechanism includes a pointing device of limited accuracy, such as a finger on a touchscreen. See:\@media/pointer
isCoarsePointer: boolean
isDebugMode: boolean
isFocused: boolean
isFocusMode: boolean
isGridMode: boolean
Will be null if the pointer doesn't support hovering (e.g. touch), but true or false otherwise
isHoveringCanvas: boolean | null
isPenMode: boolean
isReadonly: boolean
isToolLocked: boolean
meta: JsonObject
opacityForNextShape: TLOpacityType
openMenus: string[]
screenBounds: BoxModel
scribbles: TLScribble[]
stylesForNextShape: Record<string, unknown>
readonly typeName: TypeName
zoomBrush: BoxModel | null