Table of contents
- bindingUtils
- dispatch
- disposables
- edgeScrollManager
- environment
- getContainer
- history
- inputs
- isDisposed
- options
- root
- scribbles
- setCursor
- shapeUtils
- sideEffects
- snaps
- store
- styleProps
- textMeasure
- timers
- user
- Properties
- Methods
- addOpenMenu
- alignShapes
- animateShape
- animateShapes
- bail
- bailToMark
- batch
- blur
- bringForward
- bringToFront
- canBindShapes
- cancel
- cancelDoubleClick
- centerOnPoint
- clearHistory
- clearOpenMenus
- complete
- createAssets
- createBinding
- createBindings
- createPage
- createShape
- createShapes
- deleteAssets
- deleteBinding
- deleteBindings
- deleteOpenMenu
- deletePage
- deleteShape
- deleteShapes
- deselect
- dispose
- distributeShapes
- duplicatePage
- duplicateShapes
- findCommonAncestor
- findShapeAncestor
- flipShapes
- focus
- getAncestorPageId
- getAsset
- getAssetForExternalContent
- getAssets
- getBaseZoom
- getBinding
- getBindingsFromShape
- getBindingsInvolvingShape
- getBindingsToShape
- getBindingUtil
- getCamera
- getCameraOptions
- getCameraState
- getCanRedo
- getCanUndo
- getCollaborators
- getCollaboratorsOnCurrentPage
- getContentFromCurrentPage
- getCroppingShapeId
- getCulledShapes
- getCurrentPage
- getCurrentPageBounds
- getCurrentPageId
- getCurrentPageRenderingShapesSorted
- getCurrentPageShapeIds
- getCurrentPageShapes
- getCurrentPageShapesSorted
- getCurrentPageState
- getCurrentTool
- getCurrentToolId
- getDocumentSettings
- getDroppingOverShape
- getEditingShape
- getEditingShapeId
- getErasingShapeIds
- getErasingShapes
- getFocusedGroup
- getFocusedGroupId
- getHighestIndexForParent
- getHintingShape
- getHintingShapeIds
- getHoveredShape
- getHoveredShapeId
- getInitialMetaForShape
- getInitialZoom
- getInstanceState
- getIsFocused
- getIsMenuOpen
- getOnlySelectedShape
- getOnlySelectedShapeId
- getOpenMenus
- getOutermostSelectableShape
- getPage
- getPages
- getPageShapeIds
- getPageStates
- getPath
- getPointInParentSpace
- getPointInShapeSpace
- getRenderingShapes
- getSelectedShapeAtPoint
- getSelectedShapeIds
- getSelectedShapes
- getSelectionPageBounds
- getSelectionRotatedPageBounds
- getSelectionRotatedScreenBounds
- getSelectionRotation
- getShape
- getShapeAncestors
- getShapeAndDescendantIds
- getShapeAtPoint
- getShapeClipPath
- getShapeGeometry
- getShapeHandles
- getShapeLocalTransform
- getShapeMask
- getShapeMaskedPageBounds
- getShapePageBounds
- getShapePageTransform
- getShapeParent
- getShapeParentTransform
- getShapesAtPoint
- getShapeStyleIfExists
- getShapeUtil
- getSharedOpacity
- getSharedStyles
- getSnapshot
- getSortedChildIdsForParent
- getStateDescendant
- getStyleForNextShape
- getSvg
- getSvgElement
- getSvgString
- getViewportPageBounds
- getViewportScreenBounds
- getViewportScreenCenter
- getZoomLevel
- groupShapes
- hasAncestor
- hasExternalAssetHandler
- interrupt
- isAncestorSelected
- isIn
- isInAny
- isPointInShape
- isShapeInPage
- isShapeOfType
- isShapeOrAncestorLocked
- loadSnapshot
- mark
- moveShapesToPage
- nudgeShapes
- packShapes
- pageToScreen
- pageToViewport
- popFocusedGroupId
- putContentOntoCurrentPage
- putExternalContent
- redo
- registerExternalAssetHandler
- registerExternalContentHandler
- renamePage
- reparentShapes
- resetZoom
- resizeShape
- resolveAssetsInContent
- resolveAssetUrl
- rotateShapesBy
- run
- screenToPage
- select
- selectAll
- selectNone
- sendBackward
- sendToBack
- setCamera
- setCameraOptions
- setCroppingShape
- setCurrentPage
- setCurrentTool
- setEditingShape
- setErasingShapes
- setFocusedGroup
- setHintingShapes
- setHoveredShape
- setOpacityForNextShapes
- setOpacityForSelectedShapes
- setSelectedShapes
- setStyleForNextShapes
- setStyleForSelectedShapes
- slideCamera
- squashToMark
- stackShapes
- startFollowingUser
- stopCameraAnimation
- stopFollowingUser
- stretchShapes
- toggleLock
- undo
- ungroupShapes
- updateAssets
- updateBinding
- updateBindings
- updateCurrentPageState
- updateDocumentSettings
- updateInstanceState
- updatePage
- updateShape
- updateShapes
- updateViewportScreenBounds
- uploadAsset
- visitDescendants
- zoomIn
- zoomOut
- zoomToBounds
- zoomToFit
- zoomToSelection
- zoomToUser
Extends EventEmitter<TLEventMap>
class Editor extends EventEmitter<TLEventMap> {}
Constructs a new instance of the Editor
Name | Description |
A map of shape utility classes (TLShapeUtils) by shape type.
bindingUtils: {
readonly [K in string]?: BindingUtil<TLUnknownBinding>
Dispatch an event to the editor.
dispatch: (info: TLEventInfo) => this
Name | Description |
| The event info. |
A set of functions to call when the app is disposed.
readonly disposables: Set<() => void>
A manager for moving the camera when the mouse is at the edge of the screen.
edgeScrollManager: EdgeScrollManager
A manager for the editor's environment.
readonly environment: EnvironmentManager
The current HTML element containing the editor.
getContainer: () => HTMLElement
const container = editor.getContainer()
A manager for the app's history.
protected readonly history: HistoryManager<TLRecord>
The app's current input state.
inputs: {
buttons: Set<number>
keys: Set<string>
originScreenPoint: Vec
originPagePoint: Vec
currentScreenPoint: Vec
currentPagePoint: Vec
previousScreenPoint: Vec
previousPagePoint: Vec
pointerVelocity: Vec
altKey: boolean
ctrlKey: boolean
isPen: boolean
shiftKey: boolean
isDragging: boolean
isEditing: boolean
isPanning: boolean
isPinching: boolean
isPointing: boolean
Whether the editor is disposed.
isDisposed: boolean
readonly options: TldrawOptions
The root state of the statechart.
readonly root: StateNode
A manager for the editor's scribbles.
readonly scribbles: ScribbleManager
Set the cursor.
setCursor: (cursor: Partial<TLCursor>) => this
Name | Description |
| The cursor type. |
| The cursor rotation. |
A map of shape utility classes (TLShapeUtils) by shape type.
shapeUtils: {
readonly [K in string]?: ShapeUtil<TLUnknownShape>
A manager for side effects and correct state enforcement. See StoreSideEffects for details.
readonly sideEffects: StoreSideEffects<TLRecord>
A manager for the app's snapping feature.
readonly snaps: SnapManager
The editor's store
readonly store: TLStore
styleProps: {
[key: string]: Map<StyleProp<any>, string>
A helper for measuring text.
readonly textMeasure: TextManager
A manager for the any asynchronous events and making sure they're cleaned up upon disposal.
readonly timers: Timers
A manager for the user and their preferences.
readonly user: UserPreferencesManager
Add an open menu.
addOpenMenu(id: string): this
Name | Description |
Align shape positions.
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[],
| 'bottom'
| 'center-horizontal'
| 'center-vertical'
| 'left'
| 'right'
| 'top'
): this
editor.alignShapes([box1, box2], 'left')
editor.alignShapes(editor.getSelectedShapeIds(), 'left')
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) to align. |
The align operation to apply. |
Animate a shape.
partial: null | TLShapePartial | undefined,
opts?: Partial<{
animation: Partial<{
duration: number
easing: (t: number) => number
force: boolean
immediate: boolean
reset: boolean
): this
editor.animateShape({ id: 'box1', type: 'box', x: 100, y: 100 })
{ id: 'box1', type: 'box', x: 100, y: 100 },
{ animation: { duration: 100, ease: (t) => t * t } }
Name | Description |
The shape partial to update. |
Animate shapes.
partials: (null | TLShapePartial | undefined)[],
opts?: Partial<{
animation: Partial<{
duration: number
easing: (t: number) => number
force: boolean
immediate: boolean
reset: boolean
): this
editor.animateShapes([{ id: 'box1', type: 'box', x: 100, y: 100 }])
editor.animateShapes([{ id: 'box1', type: 'box', x: 100, y: 100 }], {
animation: { duration: 100, ease: (t) => t * t },
Name | Description |
The shape partials to update. |
Clear all marks in the undo stack back to the next mark.
bail(): this
Clear all marks in the undo stack back to the mark with the provided mark id.
bailToMark(id: string): this
Name | Description |
batch(fn: () => void, opts?: TLEditorRunOptions): this
Name | Description |
Switches off the editor's focused mode.
This makes the editor ignore keyboard events and some pointer events (move, wheel).
blur({ blurContainer }?: { blurContainer?: boolean | undefined }): this
By default this also dispatches a 'blur' event to the container element. To prevent this, pass blurContainer: false
editor.blur({ blurContainer: false })
Name | Description |
Bring shapes forward in the page's object list.
bringForward(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]): this
editor.bringForward(['id1', 'id2'])
editor.bringForward(box1, box2)
Bring shapes to the front of the page's object list.
bringToFront(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]): this
editor.bringToFront(['id1', 'id2'])
editor.bringToFront([box1, box2])
}: {
| {
type: TLBinding['type']
| TLBinding
| TLBinding['type']
| {
type: TLShape['type']
| TLShape
| TLShape['type']
| {
type: TLShape['type']
| TLShape
| TLShape['type']
}): boolean
Name | Description |
Dispatch a cancel event.
cancel(): this
Prevent a double click event from firing the next time the user clicks
cancelDoubleClick(): void
Center the camera on a point (in the current page space).
centerOnPoint(point: VecLike, opts?: TLCameraMoveOptions): this
editor.centerOnPoint({ x: 100, y: 100 })
editor.centerOnPoint({ x: 100, y: 100 }, { animation: { duration: 200 } })
Name | Description |
The point in the current page space to center on. |
clearHistory(): this
Clear all open menus.
clearOpenMenus(): this
Dispatch a complete event.
complete(): this
Create one or more assets.
createAssets(assets: TLAsset[]): this
Name | Description |
The assets to create. |
Create a single binding from a partial. You can omit the ID and most props of a binding, but
the type
, toId
, and fromId
must all be provided.
createBinding<B extends TLBinding = TLBinding>(
partial: TLBindingCreate<B>
): this
Name | Description |
Create bindings from a list of partial bindings. You can omit the ID and most props of a
binding, but the type
, toId
, and fromId
must all be provided.
createBindings(partials: TLBindingCreate[]): this
Name | Description |
Create a page.
createPage(page: Partial<TLPage>): this
editor.createPage({ name: 'Page 2' })
Name | Description |
The page (or page partial) to create. |
Create a single shape.
createShape<T extends TLUnknownShape>(
shape: OptionalKeys<TLShapePartial<T>, 'id'>
): this
editor.createShape({ id: 'box1', type: 'text', props: { text: 'ok' } })
Name | Description |
The shape (or shape partial) to create. |
Create shapes.
createShapes<T extends TLUnknownShape>(
shapes: OptionalKeys<TLShapePartial<T>, 'id'>[]
): this
editor.createShapes([{ id: 'box1', type: 'text', props: { text: 'ok' } }])
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape partials) to create. |
Delete one or more assets.
deleteAssets(assets: TLAsset[] | TLAssetId[]): this
editor.deleteAssets(['asset1', 'asset2'])
Delete a binding by its ID. If the binding doesn't exist, it's ignored.
binding: TLBinding | TLBindingId,
opts?: Parameters<this['deleteBindings']>[1]
): this
Name | Description |
Delete several bindings by their IDs. If a binding ID doesn't exist, it's ignored.
bindings: (TLBinding | TLBindingId)[],
}?: {
isolateShapes?: boolean | undefined
): this
Name | Description |
Delete an open menu.
deleteOpenMenu(id: string): this
Name | Description |
Delete a page.
deletePage(page: TLPage | TLPageId): this
Delete a shape.
deleteShape(id: TLShapeId): this
Name | Description |
The id of the shape to delete. |
Delete shapes.
deleteShapes(ids: TLShapeId[]): this
editor.deleteShapes(['box1', 'box2'])
Name | Description |
The ids of the shapes to delete. |
Remove a shape from the existing set of selected shapes.
deselect(...shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]): this
Dispose the editor.
dispose(): void
Distribute shape positions.
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[],
operation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'
): this
editor.distributeShapes([box1, box2], 'horizontal')
editor.distributeShapes(editor.getSelectedShapeIds(), 'horizontal')
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) to distribute. |
Whether to distribute shapes horizontally or vertically. |
Duplicate a page.
duplicatePage(page: TLPage | TLPageId, createId?: TLPageId): this
Duplicate shapes.
duplicateShapes(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[], offset?: VecLike): this
editor.duplicateShapes(['box1', 'box2'], { x: 8, y: 8 })
editor.duplicateShapes(editor.getSelectedShapes(), { x: 8, y: 8 })
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) to duplicate. |
The offset (in pixels) to apply to the duplicated shapes. |
Get the common ancestor of two or more shapes that matches a predicate.
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[],
predicate?: (shape: TLShape) => boolean
): TLShapeId | undefined
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) to check. |
The predicate to match. |
TLShapeId | undefined
Find the first ancestor matching the given predicate
shape: TLShape | TLShapeId,
predicate: (parent: TLShape) => boolean
): TLShape | undefined
const ancestor = editor.findShapeAncestor(myShape)
const ancestor = editor.findShapeAncestor(myShape.id)
const ancestor = editor.findShapeAncestor(
(shape) => shape.type === 'frame'
Name | Description |
The shape to check the ancestors for. |
TLShape | undefined
Flip shape positions.
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[],
operation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'
): this
editor.flipShapes([box1, box2], 'horizontal', 32)
editor.flipShapes(editor.getSelectedShapeIds(), 'horizontal', 32)
Name | Description |
The ids of the shapes to flip. |
Whether to flip horizontally or vertically. |
Puts the editor into focused mode.
This makes the editor eligible to receive keyboard events and some pointer events (move, wheel).
focus({ focusContainer }?: { focusContainer?: boolean | undefined }): this
By default this also dispatches a 'focus' event to the container element. To prevent this, pass focusContainer: false
editor.focus({ focusContainer: false })
Name | Description |
Get the id of the containing page for a given shape.
getAncestorPageId(shape?: TLShape | TLShapeId): TLPageId | undefined
TLPageId | undefined
The id of the page that contains the shape, or undefined if the shape is undefined.
Get an asset by its id.
getAsset(asset: TLAsset | TLAssetId): TLAsset | undefined
TLAsset | undefined
Get an asset for an external asset content type.
info: TLExternalAssetContent
): Promise<TLAsset | undefined>
const asset = await editor.getAssetForExternalContent({
type: 'file',
file: myFile,
const asset = await editor.getAssetForExternalContent({
type: 'url',
url: myUrl,
Name | Description |
Info about the external content. |
Promise<TLAsset | undefined>
The asset.
Get all assets in the editor.
getAssets(): (
| import('@tldraw/tlschema').TLBookmarkAsset
| TLImageAsset
| TLVideoAsset
Get the camera's base level for calculating actual zoom levels based on the zoom steps.
getBaseZoom(): number
Get a binding from the store by its ID if it exists.
getBinding(id: TLBindingId): TLBinding | undefined
Name | Description |
TLBinding | undefined
Get all bindings of a certain type from a particular shape. These are the bindings whose
matched the shape's ID.
getBindingsFromShape<Binding extends TLUnknownBinding = TLBinding>(
shape: TLShape | TLShapeId,
type: Binding['type']
): Binding[]
Get all bindings involving a particular shape. This includes bindings where the shape is the
or toId
. If a type is provided, only bindings of that type are returned.
getBindingsInvolvingShape<Binding extends TLUnknownBinding = TLBinding>(
shape: TLShape | TLShapeId,
type?: Binding['type']
): Binding[]
Get all bindings of a certain type to a particular shape. These are the bindings whose
matches the shape's ID.
getBindingsToShape<Binding extends TLUnknownBinding = TLBinding>(
shape: TLShape | TLShapeId,
type: Binding['type']
): Binding[]
Get a binding util from a binding itself.
getBindingUtil<S extends TLUnknownBinding>(
| {
type: S['type']
| S
): BindingUtil<S>
const util = editor.getBindingUtil(myArrowBinding)
const util = editor.getBindingUtil('arrow')
const util = editor.getBindingUtil<TLArrowBinding>(myArrowBinding)
const util = editor.getBindingUtil(TLArrowBinding)('arrow')
Name | Description |
A binding, binding partial, or binding type. |
The current camera.
getCamera(): TLCamera
Get the current camera options.
getCameraOptions(): TLCameraOptions
Whether the camera is moving or idle.
getCameraState(): 'idle' | 'moving'
Whether the app can redo.
getCanRedo(): boolean
Whether the app can undo.
getCanUndo(): boolean
Returns a list of presence records for all peer collaborators. This will return the latest presence record for each connected user.
getCollaborators(): import('@tldraw/tlschema').TLInstancePresence[]
Returns a list of presence records for all peer collaborators on the current page. This will return the latest presence record for each connected user.
getCollaboratorsOnCurrentPage(): import('@tldraw/tlschema').TLInstancePresence[]
Get content that can be exported for the given shape ids.
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]
): TLContent | undefined
TLContent | undefined
The exported content.
The current cropping shape's id.
getCroppingShapeId(): null | TLShapeId
Get culled shapes.
getCulledShapes(): Set<TLShapeId>
The current page.
getCurrentPage(): TLPage
The bounds of the current page (the common bounds of all of the shapes on the page).
getCurrentPageBounds(): Box | undefined
The current page id.
getCurrentPageId(): TLPageId
An array containing all of the rendering shapes in the current page, sorted in z-index order (accounting for nested shapes): e.g. A, B, BA, BB, C.
getCurrentPageRenderingShapesSorted(): TLShape[]
An array of all of the shapes on the current page.
getCurrentPageShapeIds(): Set<TLShapeId>
An array containing all of the shapes in the current page.
getCurrentPageShapes(): TLShape[]
An array containing all of the shapes in the current page, sorted in z-index order (accounting for nested shapes): e.g. A, B, BA, BB, C.
getCurrentPageShapesSorted(): TLShape[]
The current page state.
getCurrentPageState(): TLInstancePageState
The current selected tool.
getCurrentTool(): StateNode
The id of the current selected tool.
getCurrentToolId(): string
The global document settings that apply to all users.
getDocumentSettings(): TLDocument
Get the shape that some shapes should be dropped on at a given point.
point: VecLike,
droppingShapes?: TLShape[]
): TLUnknownShape | undefined
Name | Description |
The point to find the parent for. |
The shapes that are being dropped. |
TLUnknownShape | undefined
The shape to drop on.
The current editing shape.
getEditingShape(): TLShape | undefined
The current editing shape's id.
getEditingShapeId(): null | TLShapeId
The editor's current erasing ids.
getErasingShapeIds(): TLShapeId[]
The editor's current erasing shapes.
getErasingShapes(): NonNullable<TLShape | undefined>[]
The current focused group.
getFocusedGroup(): TLShape | undefined
The current focused group id.
getFocusedGroupId(): TLPageId | TLShapeId
Get the index above the highest child of a given parent.
getHighestIndexForParent(parent: TLPage | TLParentId | TLShape): IndexKey
Name | Description |
The index.
The editor's current hinting shapes.
getHintingShape(): NonNullable<TLShape | undefined>[]
The editor's current hinting shape ids.
getHintingShapeIds(): TLShapeId[]
The current hovered shape.
getHoveredShape(): TLShape | undefined
The current hovered shape id.
getHoveredShapeId(): null | TLShapeId
Get the initial meta value for a shape.
getInitialMetaForShape(_shape: TLShape): JsonObject
editor.getInitialMetaForShape = (shape) => {
if (shape.type === 'note') {
return { createdBy: myCurrentUser.id }
Name | Description |
Get the camera's initial or reset zoom level.
getInitialZoom(): number
The current instance's state.
getInstanceState(): TLInstance
getIsFocused(): boolean
Get whether any menus are open.
getIsMenuOpen(): boolean
The app's only selected shape.
getOnlySelectedShape(): null | TLShape
The id of the app's only selected shape.
getOnlySelectedShapeId(): null | TLShapeId
A set of strings representing any open menus. When menus are open, certain interactions will behave differently; for example, when a draw tool is selected and a menu is open, a pointer-down will not create a dot (because the user is probably trying to close the menu) however a pointer-down event followed by a drag will begin drawing a line (because the user is BOTH trying to close the menu AND start drawing a line).
getOpenMenus(): string[]
Get the shape that should be selected when you click on a given shape, assuming there is nothing already selected. It will not return anything higher than or including the current focus layer.
shape: TLShape | TLShapeId,
filter?: (shape: TLShape) => boolean
): TLShape
Name | Description |
The shape to get the outermost selectable shape for. |
A function to filter the selectable shapes. |
The outermost selectable shape.
Get a page.
getPage(page: TLPage | TLPageId): TLPage | undefined
TLPage | undefined
Info about the project's current pages.
getPages(): TLPage[]
Get the ids of shapes on a page.
getPageShapeIds(page: TLPage | TLPageId): Set<TLShapeId>
const idsOnPage1 = editor.getPageShapeIds('page1')
const idsOnPage2 = editor.getPageShapeIds(myPage2)
Page states.
getPageStates(): TLInstancePageState[]
The editor's current path of active states.
getPath(): string
editor.getPath() // "select.idle"
Convert a delta in the current page space to a point in the local space of a shape's parent.
getPointInParentSpace(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId, point: VecLike): Vec
editor.getPointInParentSpace(myShape.id, { x: 100, y: 100 })
Name | Description |
The shape to get the point in the local space of. |
The page point to get in the local space of the shape. |
Convert a point in the current page space to a point in the local space of a shape. For example, if a
shape's page point were { x: 100, y: 100 }
, a page point at { x: 110, y: 110 }
would be at
{ x: 10, y: 10 }
in the shape's local space.
getPointInShapeSpace(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId, point: VecLike): Vec
editor.getPointInShapeSpace(myShape, { x: 100, y: 100 })
Name | Description |
The shape to get the point in the local space of. |
The page point to get in the local space of the shape. |
Get the shapes that should be displayed in the current viewport.
getRenderingShapes(): {
backgroundIndex: number
id: TLShapeId
index: number
opacity: number
shape: TLShape
util: ShapeUtil<TLUnknownShape>
Get the top-most selected shape at the given point, ignoring groups.
getSelectedShapeAtPoint(point: VecLike): TLShape | undefined
Name | Description |
The point to check. |
TLShape | undefined
The top-most selected shape at the given point, or undefined if there is no shape at the point.
The current selected ids.
getSelectedShapeIds(): TLShapeId[]
An array containing all of the currently selected shapes.
getSelectedShapes(): TLShape[]
The current page bounds of all the selected shapes. If the selection is rotated, then these bounds are the axis-aligned box that the rotated bounds would fit inside of.
getSelectionPageBounds(): Box | null
The bounds of the selection bounding box in the current page space.
getSelectionRotatedPageBounds(): Box | undefined
The bounds of the selection bounding box in the current page space.
getSelectionRotatedScreenBounds(): Box | undefined
The rotation of the selection bounding box in the current page space.
getSelectionRotation(): number
Get a shape by its id.
getShape<T extends TLShape = TLShape>(
shape: TLParentId | TLShape
): T | undefined
Name | Description |
T | undefined
Get the ancestors of a shape.
getShapeAncestors(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId, acc?: TLShape[]): TLShape[]
const ancestors = editor.getShapeAncestors(myShape)
const ancestors = editor.getShapeAncestors(myShapeId)
Name | Description |
The shape (or shape id) to get the ancestors for. |
Get the shape ids of all descendants of the given shapes (including the shapes themselves). IDs are returned in z-index order.
getShapeAndDescendantIds(ids: TLShapeId[]): Set<TLShapeId>
Name | Description |
The ids of the shapes to get descendants of. |
The descendant ids.
Get the shape at the current point.
point: VecLike,
opts?: {
filter?: ((shape: TLShape) => boolean) | undefined
hitFrameInside?: boolean | undefined
hitInside?: boolean | undefined
hitLabels?: boolean | undefined
hitLocked?: boolean | undefined
margin?: number | undefined
renderingOnly?: boolean | undefined
): TLShape | undefined
Name | Description |
The point to check. |
Options for the check: |
TLShape | undefined
The shape at the given point, or undefined if there is no shape at the point.
Get the clip path for a shape.
getShapeClipPath(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId): string | undefined
const clipPath = editor.getShapeClipPath(shape)
const clipPath = editor.getShapeClipPath(shape.id)
string | undefined
The clip path or undefined.
Get the geometry of a shape.
getShapeGeometry<T extends Geometry2d>(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId): T
Get the handles (if any) for a shape.
getShapeHandles<T extends TLShape>(shape: T | T['id']): TLHandle[] | undefined
Name | Description |
The shape (or shape id) to get the handles for. |
TLHandle[] | undefined
Get the local transform for a shape as a matrix model. This transform reflects both its translation (x, y) from from either its parent's top left corner, if the shape's parent is another shape, or else from the 0,0 of the page, if the shape's parent is the page; and the shape's rotation.
getShapeLocalTransform(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId): Mat
Get the mask (in the current page space) for a shape.
getShapeMask(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId): undefined | VecLike[]
const pageMask = editor.getShapeMask(shape.id)
undefined | VecLike[]
The mask for the shape.
Get the bounds of a shape in the current page space, incorporating any masks. For example, if the shape were the child of a frame and was half way out of the frame, the bounds would be the half of the shape that was in the frame.
getShapeMaskedPageBounds(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId): Box | undefined
Box | undefined
Get the bounds of a shape in the current page space.
getShapePageBounds(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId): Box | undefined
Box | undefined
Get the transform of a shape in the current page space.
getShapePageTransform(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId): Mat
Get the parent shape for a given shape. Returns undefined if the shape is the direct child of the page.
getShapeParent(shape?: TLShape | TLShapeId): TLShape | undefined
TLShape | undefined
Get the local transform of a shape's parent as a matrix model.
getShapeParentTransform(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId): Mat
Get the shapes, if any, at a given page point.
point: VecLike,
opts?: {
hitInside?: boolean | undefined
margin?: number | undefined
): TLShape[]
editor.getShapesAtPoint({ x: 100, y: 100 })
editor.getShapesAtPoint({ x: 100, y: 100 }, { hitInside: true, exact: true })
Name | Description |
The page point to test. |
getShapeStyleIfExists<T>(shape: TLShape, style: StyleProp<T>): T | undefined
T | undefined
Get a shape util from a shape itself.
getShapeUtil<S extends TLUnknownShape>(
shape: S | TLShapePartial<S>
): ShapeUtil<S>
const util = editor.getShapeUtil(myArrowShape)
const util = editor.getShapeUtil('arrow')
const util = editor.getShapeUtil<TLArrowShape>(myArrowShape)
const util = editor.getShapeUtil(TLArrowShape)('arrow')
Name | Description |
A shape, shape partial, or shape type. |
Get the currently selected shared opacity. If any shapes are selected, this returns the shared opacity of the selected shapes. Otherwise, this returns the chosen opacity for the next shape.
getSharedOpacity(): SharedStyle<number>
A map of all the current styles either in the current selection, or that are relevant to the current tool.
getSharedStyles(): ReadonlySharedStyleMap
const color = editor.getSharedStyles().get(DefaultColorStyle)
if (color && color.type === 'shared') {
print('All selected shapes have the same color:', color.value)
getSnapshot(): TLEditorSnapshot
Get an array of all the children of a shape.
getSortedChildIdsForParent(parent: TLPage | TLParentId | TLShape): TLShapeId[]
Name | Description |
Get a descendant by its path.
getStateDescendant<T extends StateNode>(path: string): T | undefined
Name | Description |
The descendant's path of state ids, separated by periods. |
T | undefined
Get the style for the next shape.
getStyleForNextShape<T>(style: StyleProp<T>): T
const color = editor.getStyleForNextShape(DefaultColorStyle)
Name | Description |
The style to get. |
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[],
opts?: TLSvgOptions
): Promise<SVGSVGElement | undefined>
Name | Description |
Promise<SVGSVGElement | undefined>
Get an exported SVG element of the given shapes.
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[],
opts?: TLSvgOptions
): Promise<
| {
height: number
svg: SVGSVGElement
width: number
| undefined
Name | Description |
Options for the export. |
| {
height: number
svg: SVGSVGElement
width: number
| undefined
The SVG element.
Get an exported SVG string of the given shapes.
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[],
opts?: TLSvgOptions
): Promise<
| {
height: number
svg: string
width: number
| undefined
Name | Description |
Options for the export. |
| {
height: number
svg: string
width: number
| undefined
The SVG element.
The current viewport in the current page space.
getViewportPageBounds(): Box
The bounds of the editor's viewport in screen space.
getViewportScreenBounds(): Box
The center of the editor's viewport in screen space.
getViewportScreenCenter(): Vec
The current camera zoom level.
getZoomLevel(): number
Create a group containing the provided shapes.
shapes: TLShape[],
options?: Partial<{
groupId: TLShapeId
select: boolean
): this
editor.groupShapes([myShape, myOtherShape])
editor.groupShapes([myShape, myOtherShape], {
groupId: myGroupId,
select: false,
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) to group. Defaults to the selected shapes. |
An options object. |
Returns true if the the given shape has the given ancestor.
shape: TLShape | TLShapeId | undefined,
ancestorId: TLShapeId
): boolean
Name | Description |
The shape. |
The id of the ancestor. |
hasExternalAssetHandler(type: TLExternalAssetContent['type']): boolean
Name | Description |
Dispatch an interrupt event.
interrupt(): this
Determine whether or not any of a shape's ancestors are selected.
isAncestorSelected(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId): boolean
Get whether a certain tool (or other state node) is currently active.
isIn(path: string): boolean
Name | Description |
The path of active states, separated by periods. |
Get whether the state node is in any of the given active paths.
isInAny(...paths: string[]): boolean
state.isInAny('select', 'erase')
state.isInAny('select.brushing', 'erase.idle')
Name | Description |
Test whether a point (in the current page space) will will a shape. This method takes into account masks, such as when a shape is the child of a frame and is partially clipped by the frame.
shape: TLShape | TLShapeId,
point: VecLike,
opts?: {
hitInside?: boolean | undefined
margin?: number | undefined
): boolean
editor.isPointInShape({ x: 100, y: 100 }, myShape)
Name | Description |
The shape to test against. |
The page point to test (in the current page space). |
Get whether the given shape is the descendant of the given page.
isShapeInPage(shape: TLShape | TLShapeId, pageId?: TLPageId): boolean
editor.isShapeInPage(myShape, 'page1')
Name | Description |
The shape to check. |
The id of the page to check against. Defaults to the current page. |
Get whether a shape matches the type of a TLShapeUtil.
isShapeOfType<T extends TLUnknownShape>(
shape: TLUnknownShape,
type: T['type']
): shape is T
const isArrowShape = isShapeOfType<TLArrowShape>(someShape, 'arrow')
Name | Description |
the shape to test |
shape is T
Check whether a shape or its parent is locked.
isShapeOrAncestorLocked(shape?: TLShape): boolean
Name | Description |
The shape (or shape id) to check. |
Loads a snapshot into the editor.
loadSnapshot(snapshot: Partial<TLEditorSnapshot> | TLStoreSnapshot): this
Name | Description |
the snapshot to load |
Create a new "mark", or stopping point, in the undo redo history. Creating a mark will clear any redos.
mark(markId?: string): this
editor.mark('flip shapes')
Name | Description |
The mark's id, usually the reason for adding the mark. |
Move shapes to page.
moveShapesToPage(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[], pageId: TLPageId): this
editor.moveShapesToPage(['box1', 'box2'], 'page1')
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) of the shapes to move. |
The id of the page where the shapes will be moved. |
Move shapes by a delta.
nudgeShapes(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[], offset: VecLike): this
editor.nudgeShapes(['box1', 'box2'], { x: 8, y: 8 })
Pack shapes into a grid centered on their current position. Based on potpack (https://github.com/mapbox/potpack).
packShapes(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[], gap: number): this
editor.packShapes([box1, box2], 32)
editor.packShapes(editor.getSelectedShapeIds(), 32)
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) to pack. |
The padding to apply to the packed shapes. Defaults to 16. |
Convert a point in the current page space to a point in current screen space.
pageToScreen(point: VecLike): Vec
editor.pageToScreen({ x: 100, y: 100 })
Name | Description |
The point in page space. |
Convert a point in the current page space to a point in current viewport space.
pageToViewport(point: VecLike): Vec
editor.pageToViewport({ x: 100, y: 100 })
Name | Description |
The point in page space. |
Exit the current focused group, moving up to the next parent group if there is one.
popFocusedGroupId(): this
Place content into the editor.
content: TLContent,
options?: {
point?: VecLike
preserveIds?: boolean
preservePosition?: boolean
select?: boolean
): this
Name | Description |
The content. |
Options for placing the content. |
Handle external content, such as files, urls, embeds, or plain text which has been put into the app, for example by pasting external text or dropping external images onto canvas.
putExternalContent(info: TLExternalContent): Promise<void>
Name | Description |
Info about the external content. |
Redo to the next mark.
redo(): this
Register an external asset handler. This handler will be called when the editor needs to create an asset for some external content, like an image/video file or a bookmark URL. For example, the 'file' type handler will be called when a user drops an image onto the canvas.
The handler should extract any relevant metadata for the asset, upload it to blob storage using Editor.uploadAsset if needed, and return the asset with the metadata & uploaded URL.
registerExternalAssetHandler<T extends TLExternalAssetContent['type']>(
type: T,
| ((
info: TLExternalAssetContent & {
type: T
) => Promise<TLAsset>)
| null
): this
editor.registerExternalAssetHandler('file', myHandler)
Name | Description |
The type of external content. |
The handler to use for this content type. |
Register an external content handler. This handler will be called when the editor receives external content of the provided type. For example, the 'image' type handler will be called when a user drops an image onto the canvas.
registerExternalContentHandler<T extends TLExternalContent['type']>(
type: T,
| ((
info: T extends TLExternalContent['type']
? TLExternalContent & {
type: T
: TLExternalContent
) => void)
| null
): this
editor.registerExternalContentHandler('text', myHandler)
Name | Description |
The type of external content. |
The handler to use for this content type. |
Rename a page.
renamePage(page: TLPage | TLPageId, name: string): this
editor.renamePage('page1', 'My Page')
Reparent shapes to a new parent. This operation preserves the shape's current page positions / rotations.
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[],
parentId: TLParentId,
insertIndex?: IndexKey
): this
editor.reparentShapes([box1, box2], 'frame1')
editor.reparentShapes([box1.id, box2.id], 'frame1')
editor.reparentShapes([box1.id, box2.id], 'frame1', 4)
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) of the shapes to reparent. |
The id of the new parent shape. |
The index to insert the children. |
Set the zoom back to 100%.
resetZoom(point?: Vec, opts?: TLCameraMoveOptions): this
editor.resetZoom(editor.getViewportScreenCenter(), {
animation: { duration: 200 },
editor.resetZoom(editor.getViewportScreenCenter(), {
animation: { duration: 200 },
Name | Description |
The screen point to zoom out on. Defaults to the viewport screen center. |
The camera move options. |
Resize a shape.
shape: TLShape | TLShapeId,
scale: VecLike,
options?: TLResizeShapeOptions
): this
Name | Description |
The scale factor to apply to the shape. |
Additional options. |
content: TLContent | undefined
): Promise<TLContent | undefined>
Name | Description |
Promise<TLContent | undefined>
assetId: null | TLAssetId,
context: {
screenScale?: number
shouldResolveToOriginal?: boolean
): Promise<null | string>
Name | Description |
Promise<null | string>
Rotate shapes by a delta in radians. Note: Currently, this assumes that the shapes are your currently selected shapes.
rotateShapesBy(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[], delta: number): this
editor.rotateShapesBy(editor.getSelectedShapeIds(), Math.PI)
editor.rotateShapesBy(editor.getSelectedShapeIds(), Math.PI / 2)
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) of the shapes to move. |
The delta in radians to apply to the selection rotation. |
Run a function in a transaction with optional options for context. You can use the options to change the way that history is treated or allow changes to locked shapes.
run(fn: () => void, opts?: TLEditorRunOptions): this
// updating with
() => {
editor.updateShape({ ...myShape, x: 100 })
{ history: 'ignore' }
// forcing changes / deletions for locked shapes
() => {
editor.updateShape({ ...myShape, x: 100 })
{ ignoreShapeLock: true }
Name | Description |
The callback function to run. |
The options for the batch. |
Convert a point in screen space to a point in the current page space.
screenToPage(point: VecLike): Vec
editor.screenToPage({ x: 100, y: 100 })
Name | Description |
The point in screen space. |
Select one or more shapes.
select(...shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]): this
editor.select('id1', 'id2')
Select all direct children of the current page.
selectAll(): this
Clear the selection.
selectNone(): this
Send shapes backward in the page's object list.
sendBackward(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]): this
editor.sendBackward(['id1', 'id2'])
editor.sendBackward([box1, box2])
Send shapes to the back of the page's object list.
sendToBack(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]): this
editor.sendToBack(['id1', 'id2'])
editor.sendToBack(box1, box2)
Set the current camera.
setCamera(point: VecLike, opts?: TLCameraMoveOptions): this
editor.setCamera({ x: 0, y: 0 })
editor.setCamera({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 1.5 })
{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 1.5 },
{ animation: { duration: 1000, easing: (t) => t * t } }
Name | Description |
The new camera position. |
The camera move options. |
Set the camera options. Changing the options won't immediately change the camera itself, so you may want to call setCamera
after changing the options.
setCameraOptions(options: Partial<TLCameraOptions>): this
Name | Description |
The camera options to set. |
Set the current cropping shape.
setCroppingShape(shape: null | TLShape | TLShapeId): this
Set the current page.
setCurrentPage(page: TLPage | TLPageId): this
Set the selected tool.
setCurrentTool(id: string, info?: {}): this
editor.setCurrentTool('hand', { date: Date.now() })
Name | Description |
The id of the tool to select. |
Arbitrary data to pass along into the transition. |
Set the current editing shape.
setEditingShape(shape: null | TLShape | TLShapeId): this
Set the editor's current erasing shapes.
setErasingShapes(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]): this
Set the current focused group shape.
setFocusedGroup(shape: null | TLGroupShape | TLShapeId): this
Name | Description |
The group shape id (or group shape's id) to set as the focused group shape. |
Set the editor's current hinting shapes.
setHintingShapes(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]): this
Set the editor's current hovered shape.
setHoveredShape(shape: null | TLShape | TLShapeId): this
Set the opacity for the next shapes. This will effect subsequently created shapes.
opacity: number,
historyOptions?: TLHistoryBatchOptions
): this
Name | Description |
The opacity to set. Must be a number between 0 and 1 inclusive. |
The history options for the change. |
Set the current opacity. This will effect any selected shapes.
setOpacityForSelectedShapes(opacity: number): this
Name | Description |
The opacity to set. Must be a number between 0 and 1 inclusive. |
Select one or more shapes.
setSelectedShapes(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]): this
editor.setSelectedShapes(['id1', 'id2'])
Set the value of a StyleProp for the next shapes. This change will be applied to subsequently created shapes.
style: StyleProp<T>,
value: T,
historyOptions?: TLHistoryBatchOptions
): this
editor.setStyleForNextShapes(DefaultColorStyle, 'red')
editor.setStyleForNextShapes(DefaultColorStyle, 'red', { ephemeral: true })
Name | Description |
The style to set. |
The value to set. |
The history options for the change. |
Set the value of a StyleProp. This change will be applied to the currently selected shapes.
setStyleForSelectedShapes<S extends StyleProp<any>>(
style: S,
value: StylePropValue<S>
): this
editor.setStyleForSelectedShapes(DefaultColorStyle, 'red')
Name | Description |
The style to set. |
The value to set. |
Slide the camera in a certain direction.
slideCamera(opts?: {
direction: VecLike
force?: boolean | undefined
friction?: number | undefined
speed: number
speedThreshold?: number | undefined
}): this
editor.slideCamera({ speed: 1, direction: { x: 1, y: 0 }, friction: 0.1 })
Name | Description |
Options for the slide |
Squash the history to the given mark id.
squashToMark(markId: string): this
editor.mark('bump shapes')
// ... some changes
editor.squashToMark('bump shapes')
Name | Description |
The mark id to squash to. |
Stack shape.
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[],
operation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical',
gap: number
): this
editor.stackShapes([box1, box2], 'horizontal', 32)
editor.stackShapes(editor.getSelectedShapeIds(), 'horizontal', 32)
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) to stack. |
Whether to stack horizontally or vertically. |
The gap to leave between shapes. |
Start viewport-following a user.
startFollowingUser(userId: string): this
Name | Description |
The id of the user to follow. |
Stop the current camera animation, if any.
stopCameraAnimation(): this
Stop viewport-following a user.
stopFollowingUser(): this
Stretch shape sizes and positions to fill their common bounding box.
shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[],
operation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'
): this
editor.stretchShapes([box1, box2], 'horizontal')
editor.stretchShapes(editor.getSelectedShapeIds(), 'horizontal')
Name | Description |
The shapes (or shape ids) to stretch. |
Whether to stretch shapes horizontally or vertically. |
Toggle the lock state of one or more shapes. If there is a mix of locked and unlocked shapes, all shapes will be locked.
toggleLock(shapes: TLShape[] | TLShapeId[]): this
Undo to the last mark.
undo(): this
Ungroup some shapes.
ids: TLShapeId[],
options?: Partial<{
select: boolean
): this
editor.ungroupShapes([myGroup, myOtherGroup])
editor.ungroupShapes([myGroup], { select: false })
Name | Description |
An options object. |
Update one or more assets.
updateAssets(assets: TLAssetPartial[]): this
editor.updateAssets([{ id: 'asset1', name: 'New name' }])
Name | Description |
The assets to update. |
Update a binding from a partial binding. Each partial must include an ID, which will be used to match the binding to it's existing record. If there is no existing record, that binding is skipped. The changes from the partial are merged into the existing record.
updateBinding<B extends TLBinding = TLBinding>(
partial: TLBindingUpdate<B>
): this
Name | Description |
Update bindings from a list of partial bindings. Each partial must include an ID, which will be used to match the binding to it's existing record. If there is no existing record, that binding is skipped. The changes from the partial are merged into the existing record.
updateBindings(partials: (null | TLBindingUpdate | undefined)[]): this
Name | Description |
Update this instance's page state.
partial: Partial<
'editingShapeId' | 'focusedGroupId' | 'pageId' | 'selectedShapeIds'
): this
editor.updateCurrentPageState({ id: 'page1', editingShapeId: 'shape:123' })
Name | Description |
The partial of the page state object containing the changes. |
Update the global document settings that apply to all users.
updateDocumentSettings(settings: Partial<TLDocument>): this
Name | Description |
Update the instance's state.
partial: Partial<Omit<TLInstance, 'currentPageId'>>,
historyOptions?: TLHistoryBatchOptions
): this
Name | Description |
A partial object to update the instance state with. |
Update a page.
updatePage(partial: RequiredKeys<Partial<TLPage>, 'id'>): this
editor.updatePage({ id: 'page2', name: 'Page 2' })
Name | Description |
The partial of the shape to update. |
Update a shape using a partial of the shape.
updateShape<T extends TLUnknownShape>(
partial: null | TLShapePartial<T> | undefined
): this
editor.updateShape({ id: 'box1', type: 'geo', props: { w: 100, h: 100 } })
Name | Description |
The shape partial to update. |
Update shapes using partials of each shape.
updateShapes<T extends TLUnknownShape>(
partials: (null | TLShapePartial<T> | undefined)[]
): this
editor.updateShapes([{ id: 'box1', type: 'geo', props: { w: 100, h: 100 } }])
Name | Description |
The shape partials to update. |
Update the viewport. The viewport will measure the size and screen position of its container element. This should be done whenever the container's position on the screen changes.
updateViewportScreenBounds(screenBounds: Box, center?: boolean): this
editor.updateViewportScreenBounds(new Box(0, 0, 1280, 1024))
editor.updateViewportScreenBounds(new Box(0, 0, 1280, 1024), true)
Name | Description |
Whether to preserve the viewport page center as the viewport changes. |
Upload an asset to the store's asset service, returning a URL that can be used to resolve the asset.
uploadAsset(asset: TLAsset, file: File): Promise<string>
Name | Description |
Run a visitor function for all descendants of a shape.
parent: TLPage | TLParentId | TLShape,
visitor: (id: TLShapeId) => false | void
): this
editor.visitDescendants('frame1', myCallback)
Name | Description |
The visitor function. |
Zoom the camera in.
zoomIn(point?: Vec, opts?: TLCameraMoveOptions): this
editor.zoomIn(editor.getViewportScreenCenter(), {
animation: { duration: 200 },
editor.zoomIn(editor.inputs.currentScreenPoint, {
animation: { duration: 200 },
Name | Description |
The screen point to zoom in on. Defaults to the screen center |
The camera move options. |
Zoom the camera out.
zoomOut(point?: Vec, opts?: TLCameraMoveOptions): this
editor.zoomOut(editor.getViewportScreenCenter(), {
animation: { duration: 120 },
editor.zoomOut(editor.inputs.currentScreenPoint, {
animation: { duration: 120 },
Name | Description |
The point to zoom out on. Defaults to the viewport screen center. |
The camera move options. |
Zoom the camera to fit a bounding box (in the current page space).
bounds: BoxLike,
opts?: {
inset?: number
targetZoom?: number
} & TLCameraMoveOptions
): this
editor.zoomToBounds(myBounds, { animation: { duration: 200 } })
editor.zoomToBounds(myBounds, {
animation: { duration: 200 },
inset: 0,
targetZoom: 1,
Name | Description |
The bounding box. |
The camera move options, target zoom, or custom inset amount. |
Zoom the camera to fit the current page's content in the viewport.
zoomToFit(opts?: TLCameraMoveOptions): this
editor.zoomToFit({ animation: { duration: 200 } })
Name | Description |
The camera move options. |
Zoom the camera to fit the current selection in the viewport.
zoomToSelection(opts?: TLCameraMoveOptions): this
editor.zoomToSelection({ animation: { duration: 200 } })
Name | Description |
Animate the camera to a user's cursor position. This also briefly show the user's cursor if it's not currently visible.
zoomToUser(userId: string, opts?: TLCameraMoveOptions): this
editor.zoomToUser(myUserId, { animation: { duration: 200 } })
Name | Description |
The id of the user to animate to. |
The camera move options. |