Table of contents
Validation that accepts any value. Generally this should be avoided, but you can use it as an escape hatch if you want to work without validations for e.g. a prototype.
any: Validator<any>
Validates that a value is an array. To check the contents of the array, use T.arrayOf.
array: Validator<unknown[]>
Validates that a value is a bigint.
bigint: Validator<bigint>
Validates that a value is boolean.
boolean: Validator<boolean>
Validates an http(s) url
httpUrl: Validator<string>
Validates that a value is an IndexKey.
indexKey: Validator<IndexKey>
Fails if number is not an integer
integer: Validator<number>
Validate that a value is valid JSON.
jsonValue: Validator<JsonValue>
Validates that a value is a url safe to use as a link.
linkUrl: Validator<string>
Fails if value <= 0 and is not an integer
nonZeroInteger: Validator<number>
Fails if value <= 0
nonZeroNumber: Validator<number>
Validates that a value is a finite non-NaN number.
number: Validator<number>
Fails if value < 0 and is not an integer
positiveInteger: Validator<number>
Fails if value < 0
positiveNumber: Validator<number>
Validates that a valid is a url safe to load as an asset.
srcUrl: Validator<string>
Validates that a value is a string.
string: Validator<string>
Validation that accepts any value. Useful as a starting point for building your own custom validations.
unknown: Validator<unknown>
unknownObject: Validator<Record<string, unknown>>
Validates that a value is an array whose contents matches the passed-in validator.
function arrayOf<T>(itemValidator: Validatable<T>): ArrayOfValidator<T>
Name | Description |
Validation that an option is a dict with particular keys and values.
function dict<Key extends string, Value>(
keyValidator: Validatable<Key>,
valueValidator: Validatable<Value>
): DictValidator<Key, Value>
Name | Description |
DictValidator<Key, Value>
Validate an object has a particular shape.
function jsonDict(): DictValidator<string, JsonValue>
Validates that a value matches another that was passed in.
function literal<T extends boolean | number | string>(
expectedValue: T
): Validator<T>
const trueValidator = T.literal(true)
Name | Description |
function literalEnum<const Values extends readonly unknown[]>(
...values: Values
): Validator<Values[number]>
Name | Description |
A named object with an ID. Errors will be reported as being part of the object with the given name.
function model<
T extends {
readonly id: string
>(name: string, validator: Validatable<T>): Validator<T>
Name | Description |
function nullable<T>(validator: Validatable<T>): Validator<null | T>
Name | Description |
Validator<null | T>
Validate an object has a particular shape.
function object<Shape extends object>(config: {
readonly [K in keyof Shape]: Validatable<Shape[K]>
}): ObjectValidator<
[P in ExtractRequiredKeys<Shape>]: Shape[P]
} & {
[P in ExtractOptionalKeys<Shape>]?: Shape[P]
Name | Description |
[P in ExtractRequiredKeys<Shape>]: Shape[P]
} & {
[P in ExtractOptionalKeys<Shape>]?: Shape[P]
function optional<T>(validator: Validatable<T>): Validator<T | undefined>
Name | Description |
Validator<T | undefined>
function setEnum<T>(values: ReadonlySet<T>): Validator<T>
Name | Description |
Validate a union of several object types. Each object must have a property matching key
should be a unique string.
function union<
Key extends string,
Config extends UnionValidatorConfig<Key, Config>,
>(key: Key, config: Config): UnionValidator<Key, Config>
const catValidator = T.object({ kind: T.literal('cat'), meow: T.boolean })
const dogValidator = T.object({ kind: T.literal('dog'), bark: T.boolean })
const animalValidator = T.union('kind', {
cat: catValidator,
dog: dogValidator,
Name | Description |
UnionValidator<Key, Config>