Table of contents
Base props for the Tldraw and TldrawEditor components.
interface TldrawEditorBaseProps {}
Whether to automatically focus the editor when it mounts.
autoFocus?: boolean
An array of binding utils to use in the editor.
bindingUtils?: readonly TLAnyBindingUtilConstructor[]
Camera options for the editor.
cameraOptions?: Partial<TLCameraOptions>
The component's children.
children?: ReactNode
A classname to pass to the editor's container.
className?: string
Overrides for the editor's components, such as handles, collaborator cursors, etc.
components?: TLEditorComponents
Whether to infer dark mode from the user's OS. Defaults to false.
inferDarkMode?: boolean
The editor's initial state (usually the id of the first active tool).
initialState?: string
The license key.
licenseKey?: string
Called when the editor has mounted.
onMount?: TLOnMountHandler
Options for the editor.
options?: Partial<TldrawOptions>
An array of shape utils to use in the editor.
shapeUtils?: readonly TLAnyShapeUtilConstructor[]
An array of tools to add to the editor's state chart.
tools?: readonly TLStateNodeConstructor[]
The user interacting with the editor.
user?: TLUser